Author Archives: awbrown

First place: 2013 Public Health Research Day

Public Health Research Day Award

The UAB School of Public Health celebrated Public Health week with activities such as Public Health Research Day. Awards were distributed for the top three posters from faculty, staff, postdocs, and students. I was honored with first place in the postdoctoral category. Congratulations to the other winners!




Finalist in ASN’s Epi RIS research competition

The Nutritional Epidemiology Research Interest Section of the American Society for Nutrition has named me one of three finalists in the post-doc category of their research competition scheduled at the Experimental Biology Meetings in Boston.

3rd Place in inaugural AlPHA poster competition

Alabama Public Health Association (AlPHA) held their meetings at UAB this April and held inaugural poster session. Having won the post-doctoral division of UAB’s Public Health Research Day on April 2nd, I was invited to present my work on breakfast and obesity at AlPHA’s session on April 4th, and was awarded third place in the poster competition.

Winner: 2012 Back of the Envelope Award

2012 Back of the Envelope Award

Back of the Envelope Awards from the University of Alabama School of Public Health support small, creative research projects that are solicited on the back of a number 10 envelope. To keep with the informal proposal theme, envelopes are slipped under the dean’s door for submission. I was awarded a Back of the Envelope award in the Trainee category with a submission titled “Macronutrient confounding with thirst.”